You most likely have in any event one credit card related to your Google Play account, since that is the means by which you can without much of a stretch buy applications, music, games, and other substance on your Android device.
In any case, if your charge card expired, you’ll have to expel it from the Google Play Store application.
In spite of the fact that this will just take a couple of taps, the removal button is tucked away somewhere you might not think to look for it.
How to remove credit card from google play on PC
Open your browser and go to the page
On the left, on the menu, you will see the item “Payment Methods” click on it.
On the page “Payment methods” below, under the list of all credit cards you added to Google Play select the item “Edit payment methods”.
In the next step, select the card that you no longer want to use and click “Remove”.
Make sure again that you want to delete the card that you selected and confirm your action.
How To Remove Credit Card From Google Play On Android device
The process of deleting a credit card from google play on your android device is very similar to the process on a PC.
1 – Run the Play Store on your device. Tap on the menu and select “Payment methods” from the list.
2 – In the Payment section of the payment methods at the bottom tap on “More payment settings“.
3 – Select the card you want to delete.
4 – Confirm the correctness of your choice.
Congratulations, you remove credit card from google play!